Welcome to My Blog!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Nicholaus Haskins, and I am a professional wedding and model photographer located in sunny St Petersburg, Florida.

This blog was created to offer a feeling of transparency with my business; an inside look, into who I am and what I'm all about! It will follow my business, and personal life, and is constantly updated after every event. It will also serves as a library of information for my current and potential clients, as well as an information resource for photographers who just want to learn more! You can find your way around by clicking the links at the top!

This site is really laid back, so kick up your feet, grab a drink, and relax!

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Friday, June 22

Cut Frame TV

Finally, youtube meets photography. Nothing against youtube by any means, however searching for photography related videos can be a real pain.

Enter cutframetv.com

Cutframetv.com is a website ran by a super talented photographer named Dane Sanders. He runs a show called, The Simple Photo Minute, and highlights ways to make, our photography lives much simpler.

Check out his blog!


Anyhow, these little videos that he comes out with are sooo informative, and cover everything from how to, to....omg...what do I do! He also runs a really awesome blog, thats always being updated as well. For one, I am not sure how he does all of this, and have time for his family!

Go Dane!

For those of you who already know Dane, update the links to his new sites!

What used to be simplephotominute is now http://danesanders.net
What used to be simplephoto.tv is now http://cutframetv.com
What used to be simplephotobooth is now http://fotocabina.com
What used to be danesanders.com is still http://danesanders.com


Carl Stevens said...

Thanks for the link. Looks like some great stuff.