Welcome to My Blog!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Nicholaus Haskins, and I am a professional wedding and model photographer located in sunny St Petersburg, Florida.

This blog was created to offer a feeling of transparency with my business; an inside look, into who I am and what I'm all about! It will follow my business, and personal life, and is constantly updated after every event. It will also serves as a library of information for my current and potential clients, as well as an information resource for photographers who just want to learn more! You can find your way around by clicking the links at the top!

This site is really laid back, so kick up your feet, grab a drink, and relax!

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Friday, June 8

I see you guys!

I want to take a minute to thank the very few fans that I have out there. I created this blog for several reasons. The main reason, being that I wanted to to offer some sort of transparency into myself, and my photography business. Second, I want to teach everything that I learn. My father says this is a bad idea. I tell him, I can only teach the basics, its then up to the photographer to take it from there.

Its you guys that make it worth it! I constantly monitor the traffic to my site and my blog. The blog gets 3 times as much traffic, and thats the way its intended. I really enjoy the few comments that I have gotten as well!

In other news, I have just launched a new addition to the site. Still have some fooling around to do with the site...that baby is never finished! So head on over and check it out!

Clickity here!

Since I launched the blog 4 months ago, their have been hits from all over the world! Its so cool to see this...you guys rock! I'll keep posting, if you guys keep reading!


Anonymous said...

What kind of tracker do you use? I'm looking for a new one for my site.

Nicholaus Haskins said...

Whats up chase! Google analytics for website, and Icerocket blog tracker for blogs.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, I'll check it out.