The Business Plan
I have so many great things planned for this year, and one of those was finally hammering out a business plan. It's essential for all business to have a business plan. It identifies your mission, your keys to success, the market your trying to attract, and gives a small breakdown on demographics.
I'm using this really cool software called Business Plan Pro, that pretty much walks you through every step. I don't know what a lot of accounting terms are, but this program makes it pretty damn easy!
It is VERY time consuming, and have only gotten through 8 steps in the last 2 days. 40 steps left! When it's complete it will be 35 pages long!
I have some other great news too! I am going down to meet with a very special new friend today. He is not involved with this industry, but pretty close to it. Let's just say that starting very soon this year, 2 new products are going to be added to the line up. One of those products nobody else in the WORLD makes, and will completely set us apart from the rest!
Stay tuned for more hints!
Way to go! That's something I MUST do's so daunting, but a necessity. Let me know how that program works for you!
Hi Nicholaus,
My name is 'Chelle Parmele and I work at Palo Alto Software. Just wanted to stop by and say good luck with your business and writing your business plan!
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