1st Annual Georgia Strobist Meet
Thats right folks. Get your speedlights, charge your batteries, and snag a tent, cause its gonna be one hell of a weekend!
An expected 40 photographers, 8 models, food, fun, and strobes! On Sunday, October 21st, the 1st Annual South East Strobist Meet will kick off in Hard Labor Creek State Park, an hour Southeast of Atlanta, Georgia!
The weekend extravaganza begins on Saturday night with a campfire, along with a night time bike shoot!
On Sunday, its time to get learned! Along with several pro photographers eager to share their knowledge, their will be tutorials with Lightroom and Corel Paint Shop Pro XI, a real live horse, and an avatar shoot off!
To cap off an already awesomely exhausted weekend, Zack Arias will be hosting an after party at his studio in Atlanta after the meet on Sunday night. Little does Zack know....we're a bunch of crazy folk! Just kidding Zack, I promise we'll be good!
Theres still room for more photographers, so get your arse on over to the website and pay up! Its only $20. What more could you possibly have going on that weekend? Hope to see you there!
Ongoing talks:
Complete Information:
Schedule - 75% Complete
Saturday Night
Night Bike Shoot and Mixer
Time: 8:00 PM
10:00AM - Welcome
10:30AM - Shoot!
12:00PM - Lunch
1:00PM - RAW Workflow Made Easy - How to utilize Adobe Lightroom
1:30PM - Paint Shop IS Pro - A Professionals Guide to using Corel Paint Shop Pro XI
2:00PM - Shoot!
3:00PM - Group Shot!
3:30PM - Avatar Shoot Off!
4:00PM - TTD
6:00PM - Horse Shooting!
7:00PM - End
Sunday Night
Strobist After-Party - Hosted by Zack Arias
Time: 8:30 PM
Location - Zack Arias Studio
Food, drinks, shooting, and dancing 'til 2 AM!
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