Dads Are Cool
This post was sort of inspired by Nathan and Amber Holritz. Well....the photos of him as a youngster with ultra cool RC planes inspired me. It made me think of when I used to fly RC planes with my dad as a kid! Then I found photos of my dad, and it just made sense to send a shout out!
This particular post also fits well...considering that I am going to be a Dad! Max is supposed to be here tomorrow, but apparently he'll come when hes ready!
Anyhow, my Dad...stellar dude, and smartest man alive....seriously. When I was younger, I wanted to be like him...hell...I still do sometimes! Just a little background story, promise not to bore you!
Had an ultra cool job at NASA as a suit know...the guys who suit up the astronauts before lift off. One day, he lost his cool, exploded on the boss, and walked off the job (sounds like someone I know!). After that, it was 7 day a week job at 7-11. Years later, went back to school (At age 34 I think)to get Electrical Engineering degree, found a temp job at McDonnell Douglass (since bought out by Boeing), then went to Embry Riddle, graduated at the top of his class...ahhh...the rest is history! Now, Boeing basically flies him everywhere, checking things to make sure they are the way they are supposed to be before they go up on the space shuttle! Frikking awesome!
Anyways, heres a bunch of old photos that I found!
Yes, thats me and my super fast RC plane.
Me again...
...and again...
Him and his team built a robot that went up on the space shuttle. Hes loading it in here.
...FEW people have done this....sitting in the cockpit of the space shuttle!
Cape of the launch tower.
Now you guys know where I get my funnies from!
One super old photo of my dad...and my little brother.
Hee hee hee! It almost looks like Cory is flipping off the camera in that last picture!
That is beautiful story dude. Hope all things are going well.
I'm sure we'll be seeing His here post very very soon.
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