Welcome to My Blog!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Nicholaus Haskins, and I am a professional wedding and model photographer located in sunny St Petersburg, Florida.

This blog was created to offer a feeling of transparency with my business; an inside look, into who I am and what I'm all about! It will follow my business, and personal life, and is constantly updated after every event. It will also serves as a library of information for my current and potential clients, as well as an information resource for photographers who just want to learn more! You can find your way around by clicking the links at the top!

This site is really laid back, so kick up your feet, grab a drink, and relax!

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Saturday, September 15

Trashed in Orlando!

This morning we headed out to Orlando to hang out with a few really cool photographers! Its so nice to be able to network with such a great group of people, and I feel so fortunate they let us into their circle! Yaay! I met most of these guys at the Florida Strobist Meet. Apparently, they meet up at least once a month, and Chris and I were fortunate enough to be invited! Sweet!

After some super cool info from Lori Barbely about submitting to photo editors, and Jakes presentation on portrait retouching tips with Photoshop, it was off to get trashed!

Michele, Lissette, and Suzanne rocked it!

Check these out!

Its so funny because normally I am so against studio type stuff. It all looks the same to me! Anyhow, after setting up and taking a few shots, it kinda looked cool, so I just rolled with it! Below is the setup shot for the stuff above! You have to improvise!


Suzie said...

You killed it, as usual!!! These are awesome! Love the new border, btw :)

Nicholaus Haskins said...

Thanks Suzie! Lori was the final motivation to change my brand and border!

Steven Kang said...

Looks great dude.
very clean.
specially love those avatar. haha.

Lori Barbely Photography said...

Great stuff Nick! New border is awesome :)