Welcome to My Blog!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Nicholaus Haskins, and I am a professional wedding and model photographer located in sunny St Petersburg, Florida.

This blog was created to offer a feeling of transparency with my business; an inside look, into who I am and what I'm all about! It will follow my business, and personal life, and is constantly updated after every event. It will also serves as a library of information for my current and potential clients, as well as an information resource for photographers who just want to learn more! You can find your way around by clicking the links at the top!

This site is really laid back, so kick up your feet, grab a drink, and relax!

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Monday, September 17

Who are you?

Over the course of the last 6 months, our blog traffic has steadily been climbing. We average about 75 hits a day...laughable compared to other blogs like that dumb one Strobist...lol...(just kidding David).

None the less, I am proud of my averaged 75 readers a day...you guys rock! So, just curious now...who are you?

P.S - I sooo stole this idea from Lori's blog!

Oh...and I've got some fun stuff in store for you guys coming soon!